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Stomach Cancer Surgery

Proksimal Gastrektomi

For people diagnosed with stomach cancer, surgery can be decided after staging (thorax-abdomen tomography or PET) or after drug (chemotherapy) treatment. The type of surgery for patients decided for surgery is determined based on the location of the tumor and the spread of the disease to other organs (such as the spleen).  In our hospital stomach cancer surgeries can be performed with laparoscopic (closed) and open techniques.


Especially in tumors located at the distal part of the stomach antrum and corpus, the procedure involves removing the middle and posterior parts of the stomach (distal gastrectomy), taking into account the blood supply to the remaining stomach, and conducting an extended lymph node clearance (D2 Lymph Node Dissection). Adhering to oncological principles and cancer guidelines, it is essential to perform lymph node clearance up to the exit points of the vessels. Otherwise, the patient’s chances of benefiting from the surgery significantly decrease.

After the removal of the stomach and clearing of lymph nodes, the remaining portion of the stomach is stitched to the small intestine (anastomosed). Subsequently, a connection is establshed between the small intestines to facilitate bile flow. This procedure is performed at our hospital either using a closed (laparoscopic) or open approach. The choice of method is influenced by factors such as the patient’s obesity status, overall health, age, and any previous surgeries.

After the surgery, there is a cut and closed duodenal stump and two anastomoses. The most significant  complications that can occur after the operation include leakage from these areas. Other potencial complications may arise from issues such as bleeding and injuries to other organs. In the absence of any complications, the average hospital stay is 5-7 days. On the first day after surgery, the patient may be monitored in the intensive care unit depends on the patient’s overall condition, whether there are any lung or cardiac-related issues, and whether there are any surgycal problems. İf these issues do not arise and the patient’s general condition is good, they are transferred to regular ward follow-ups.

Postoperative nutrition begins with liquid food on the second day and is gradually increased under the supervision of a nutritionist.  Patients operated for cancer diagnosis also receive medical supplements as protein supplementation.

After discharge, patients are scheduled for an early follow-up on the 10th day. During the follow-up, the patient's overall condition, the status of suture lines, and blood parameters are assessed. Complaints are addressed, and additional tests are requested if necessary. Dietitian evaluation is conducted. Pathology results must be thoroughly examined. Based on the pathology results, necessary assessments and guidance will be provided. The next follow-up for the patient is scheduled at the 1-month mark. Subsequent check-ups are determined based on pathology results and examination outcomes.

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