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Pediatric surgery

Here is the translation of the list of diseases in children that may require surgical evaluation and treatment, categorized by affected regions:

Head and Neck Region
- Cystic lymphangioma
- Torticollis
- Thyroid gland nodules
- Enlarged lymph nodes

Chest Region
- Esophageal stenosis/absence
- Tracheal diseases
- Pleural infections
- Pulmonary cysts/tumors

Abdominal Region
- Umbilical hernia
- Inguinal hernia
- Gastric cysts/tumors
- Intestinal obstructions (necrotizing enterocolitis, intestinal atresias, intussusception, Hirschsprung's disease, etc.)
- Intestinal cysts/tumors
- Appendicitis
- Liver cysts/tumors
- Gallbladder diseases (infection, stones)
- Bile duct obstructions
- Pancreatic cysts/tumors
- Splenic cysts/tumors
- Kidney diseases (Hydronephrosis)
- Urine leakage from bladder to kidneys (vesicoureteral reflux)
- Urinary tract strictures (ureterovesical junction stricture, ureteropelvic junction stricture)
- Kidney cysts/tumors
- Ovarian cysts/tumors

Genital Region
- Testicular diseases (hydrocele, varicocele, undescended testis, tumors)
- Disorders related to the location of the urinary meatus (strictures, hypospadias, epispadias)
- Vaginal diseases
- Disorders of sexual development

Defecation Region
- Anal/Perianal fissure
- Anal/Perianal fistula
- Anal stenosis
- Anal atresia

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