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Obstetrics - Genital aesthetics

Each genital aesthetic procedure should be planned individually and performed by a specialized surgeon. A detailed evaluation and consultation is required prior to aesthetic surgical procedures.

1. Labiaplasty:
Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping the inner and outer labia in the female genital area for aesthetic purposes. This procedure is usually performed to correct conditions such as asymmetry of the labia minora or excessive sagging of the labia majora. Thanks to labiaplasty, women achieve a more comfortable and aesthetic appearance.

2. Vaginoplasty:
Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to tighten or tighten the vagina that has expanded after childbirth. This procedure is often referred to as vaginal tightening and is preferred to provide satisfaction and comfort in sexual life.

3. Clitoroplasty:
Clitoroplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping or correcting the clitoris for aesthetic purposes. It is performed for women who are uncomfortable with the size or shape of the clitoris. This procedure is usually performed in conjunction with labiaplasty or vaginoplasty.

is performed. This procedure is usually performed together with labiaplasty or vaginoplasty.

4. Monsplasty:
Monsplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that involves reducing or shaping the fatty tissue in the pubic area. This procedure is generally preferred in cases of excessive fat or sagging in the monspubic area. Thanks to Monsplasty, the aesthetic appearance in the pubic area is improved.

5. Genital Whitening:
Genital whitening is an aesthetic procedure that aims to reduce or correct color differences or dark spots in the genital area. This procedure is usually preferred to eliminate pigmentation problems in the vulva or perianal area.

6. Barbie Vagina:
Barbie vagina refers to the aesthetically idealized shape of the vagina, which is usually smaller, neat and symmetrical in appearance. The term Barbie vagina is often used to describe an aesthetic appearance achieved after labiaplasty, vaginoplasty or other genital aesthetic procedures.

7. Perinoplasty:
Perinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping or correcting the tissues and structures in the perineum after childbirth. This procedure is usually performed to correct tears or deformations in the perineum after childbirth.

8. Hudoplasty:
Hudoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves the correction or reshaping of skin tissue in the genital area. This procedure is usually performed for sagging skin or excess skin.

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